Domains name registrations are considered similar to registering a company in the fact that you are required to provide valid and accurate contact information about the owner of the domain name. You can choose to make information about the owner public or private, however, you are required to provide accurate publicly visible contact information. All domain registrations and contact information are listed in the publicly visible WHOIS database.
Here is some information on updating your domain contact information (WHOIS), and how to keep your personal contact information private.
Updating Public Information about Your Domain
It is important that you keep your WHOIS contact information up-to-date so that you receive important notices about your domain name (such as reminders on when it expires), as well as registering yourself as the owner of the domain in case there is a dispute.
Privacy Protection for Your Personal Information
Domain privacy allows you to keep your contact information such as your name, address and phone number private from prying eyes, while still fulfilling that you list valid contact information for your domain. You are still listed as the owner of the domain, however, the public does not see your name or contact information. We provide domain privacy for free for each domain that is registered through us at Create.