The Images interface allows you to modify and manage images that you saved to your account. This feature includes the following tools:
Thumbnailer — Use this tool to create thumbnails from images in a directory and store them in a
subdirectory. -
Scaler — Use this tool to resize individual images.
Converter — Use this tool to convert one image file type to another file type and change the file type of all images in a directory. For example, you can change
files to.png
To get started, go to Images under the FILES section of your cPanel and choose which tool you are going to use. In the first example, we will be using the Thumbnailer.
The Thumbnailer runs a batch process on an entire folder at once. Navigate to the folder that you wish to create a thumbnails folder for, then click the THUMBNAIL button to get started.
Choose your scale % and click the blue button to proceed.
The second tool is the Scaler. This tool is used when you only need to scale a single image, not a folder in bulk.
Click the blue button and it will resize the image as requested. You also have the option to save a copy of the original image at the original size if you click the "Retain a copy" check box.
The Converter tool allows you to change the image file type on an entire folder at once in a bulk action. In this example we will convert a folder of JPG images to PNG.