Feature Manager


WHM's Feature Manager allows you to select what cPanel Applications are within your Resold Accounts (e.g File Manager, Addon Domains). We highly suggest that if you have not already do so, you create a new Package Type (Basics of Packages In WHM).


How To:

  • Once you have logged into WHM, and made a mental note of the package name the cPanel you would like to edit is using, you will click on Feature Manager under the Packages Section.featuremanager.png
  • Create a name for your new feature list, and click Add.
    • Note that you can also edit existing feature lists as seen in the screenshot: WHM__r4__Feature_Manager_-_96_0_9.png
  • After selecting what you do not want, and what you do want available, hit the Save Button at the bottom.
  • Next, you will go back to the Package that you initially made note of earlier. Selecting Edit A Package, and choose this package.
  • Select the new feature list name, and click the Save Changes button.


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