One of the great additions to the Wordpress hosting plan, is the ability to use a temporary URL to start building your website on. This allows you to install Wordpress via the billing portal, and have direct access even if the domain is not pointing to the server yet, or you have yet to decide on the domain name.
When you're adding a new website you'll have the option to use your own domain name, or auto generate a domain name. This "auto generate feature is how you can use a temporary URL to build your website and update it to the desired domain whenever you're ready.
Once you finish adding the information shown above, you'll be able to click Submit and install a new Wordpress installation. After installing the new site it'll be accessible through the Wordpress management page in the billing portal:
As you can see in the example above, the temporary URL will always be similar to When you have the domain name you would like to replace the temp URL with click Manage on the instillation you're updating.
Clicking the Edit Domain button pointed out above will allow you to update the Temp URL to the domain name you have chosen. Always make sure the domains DNS nameservers are updated to the Wordpress hosting nameservers. Once the domain has fully propagated the website you've built will resolve on the new domain name. The Wordpress nameservers are: